Johnny Cash – Cocaine Blues
RGB:24 1 255
HEX: 1801FF
HEX: 1801FF
RGB: 255 248 252
RGB: 56 42 23
RGB: 232 89 12
HEX: E8590C
RGB: 000HEX: E8590C
If I were to produce a music video for this song using my
colour pallet then to start off with,
the blue would be used to signify the law and for characters it could be used
to signify the relation of people to the law such as a police officer who wore
blue. The white would be used to signify cocaine and anything related to
cocaine such as a cocaine fuiled rage at his wife. The dark brown colour would
be used to signify dirt both literally and metaphorically as he see’s himself
as that by the end of the song. The orange would be used to signify a section
of the song saying how he was caught down near mexico, this could have the
terrain and surroundings all in an orange haze as well as later in the song it
could mean whisky which is also mentioned and finally black would be used to
signify death and the death of the wife he killed.
Marley Davidson - Stars Where I Come From!
RGB: 141 184 255
RGB: 255 248 252
RGB: 232 36 165
HEX: E824A5
HEX: E824A5
RGB: 000
HEX: 000000
HEX: 000000
RGB: 59 196 56
HEX: 3BC438
HEX: 3BC438
If I were to create a music video for stars where I come
from then I would first use the light blue to signify the sky above and what
the character is flying through which leads onto the white which could both
represent the clouds in the light blue sky as well as the stars in the black
night sky which is what the black represents. The Green would represent the
lush green grasslands below in which his lover resides which finally goes to
the pink which represents generic love.
I've always hated narrative songs. I hate those songs where, basically, it's an unfolding of a story.
I've always hated narrative songs. I hate those songs where, basically, it's an unfolding of a story.
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